Wednesday, February 15, 2012

If you don't like my purple hair
If my tattoos cause you to stare

If my piercings give you a fright
If thoughts of me keep you up at night

What is it you're really thinking 
Is my moral code quickly sinking?

While you're in judgmental thought 
Ponder this before your mind is overwrought 

You haven't even bothered to get to know who I am
I have a good heart and a helping hand

I can be a valiant ally and a grand confidant
I can be a royal bitch and a debutant   

I laugh when I'm happy and mope when I'm blue
I hate lies and dig for what's true

I can be loud and happy as a lark
I can be quiet and seemingly dark

There is much more to me than what's on my exterior. 
Chiming in with society doesn't make you superior. 

So before you step around me to go
Talk to me I'm someone you might like to know. 

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