Tuesday, November 19, 2013

outside isn't always what's within

It is a matter of self-expression 

The guise of my internal impression

Saw, seen, seeing, is what you get 

Loved, love ,loving, the spurn, hating the fret

Outward not seemingly painfully mauling 

Unseen inside hidden, screaming,  free falling 

Fatefully heaving overly sedated sensation

Retreading faint, warped, blurred revelation

Seeding, festering, faking, every emotion

Growing monstrous, clustering, black commotion

Bright, blinding, shimmering, false, swallowing, light

Fading, blinding, dark, covering, suffocating, night

Engulfing, blinding, searing, cathartic, quickening, fright

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Who are you to judge

Who are you to look at me and so self-righteously judge
I have survived the monsters that creep from emotional sludge
The ones that pull and rip at you even at your very best
The ones that cause your heart to ache immensely beneath your chest
You have not been even close to the furnace where I am
You could not hold up for one minute in this storm where I stand
Do not pretend you understand empathize with or see me
You know nothing of my inner demons that refuse to free me
Faith is nothing without the unbridled will to fight
Put down your plastic condemning faux sword of right
Phony concern and a thinly masked condescending face
Go back from where you came this is not your place
Take your cliches and your advice and ride them home
I’d rather continue the unwinnable battle honorably and alone
Say what you want to my face or… wait til my back is turned
It is not my self-respect and unforgiving soul that will be burned
I have always followed my heart come what will or what may
Will you still be able to look at yourself in the mirror every day
As insignificant as I am you are no angel… no… better than me
Maybe someday you will come closer to a great… weight lifting epiphany  
Daggers and blame solve nothing and all of us should be free

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Writer's heaven

I Hope there is a place where fallen authors go
Where words never fail them and they never hear no
Somewhere where they are appreciated and revered
Where rejection does not exist so it is not feared
Where there is time to spare to think and write
Where sleep is not needed and it is never night
A place where all the greats sit and share their thoughts
A place where prompts are never needed or sought
A place for all the greats to always cross paths
Tolkien, Hemmingway, Clancy, Wolfe, and Plath
Perhaps they would have tea with Stoker and Poe
A session of the most helpful writing tips they know
Occasionally letting in meek hopefuls like myself
So I could tell them how their books, in life, sat upon my shelf
I would tell them what they meant to me and so much more
How honored I was to walk into this special heaven’s door
I hope there is a place where fallen authors go
Where words never fail then and they never hear no

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Accost my senses with your flesh
Turn me into your burning wretch
Away with sweet precious and gentile
Bold, powerful, and hard are what I crave, what I feel
Electrify and mold me with your hands
Ravage my body with haste where it stands
Brand my neck with your searing breath
Make my heart race and want to jump from my chest
Trace my curves with your lips and tongue
Pull me in like we've just begun
Take me so close to that high then pull me back in
When I tangle my fingers in your hair, force me down and start again
Speak no words, ask no favors
This is not commitment it's animal behavior.
Seek me out night after night again and again
Be my lustful destiny not my daytime friend.
Enter me with purpose and desire
Two halves of one passion one fire
Seek not vows, or golden rings
Find me in the dark and make my body sing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, September 2, 2013


I see you ...
Talk to me
I hear you...
Get to know me
I want you...
Touch me
I love you...
Ravage me
I saw you...
Don't talk to me
I heard you...
Forget about me
I don't want you...
Don't touch me
I hate you...
Leave me

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Witch's conundrum

I have removed this to work on and get ready for publishing.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Life is fleeting

Year after year slipping by
Quickly fading into the past
The ill-fated regrets of yesterday
Over shadowing fond promises of tomorrow
Whispers of old ghosts wailing like the wind
Suffering the loneliness of life not lived
Forgetting the miniscule times of happiness
Reaching out for faded memories
The misty blurs of what was beckoning in the beyond
Voices before unheard, calling... come home.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The last clan member

My eyes are on fire

my heart is racing

What vexes me

 isn't worth retracing

Velvety green  grass

Beneath my feet

Tear stained skin

No clan to meet

 Warm bright sun

on my nose 

offers no comfort

no flowery prose

the ancients call

The highlands echo

Darkness now falls

No longer I stand

swiftly I fly

finally with my clan.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Audio book!

I am so very proud and privileged to have had the honor of working with Jim D. Jordan on his fabulous project. It's an audio book entitled Dracula's Journal. I am the voice of Mina Harker. I have to say it was very interesting and fun doing voice work.
I would love to do more!

If you would like to purchase said AB please contact me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Rhyme Time!

It’s almost Monday
The weekend flew
I wrote this
Just cant miss
With a rhyme
Works every time
Its really adorable
Not even deplorable
To be silly
Even silly willy
Give it a try
Don’t as me why
Just be outrageous
It is contagious
That’s all for now
Time for a bow
Go and count your sheep
God bless and good sleep