Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Writer's heaven

I Hope there is a place where fallen authors go
Where words never fail them and they never hear no
Somewhere where they are appreciated and revered
Where rejection does not exist so it is not feared
Where there is time to spare to think and write
Where sleep is not needed and it is never night
A place where all the greats sit and share their thoughts
A place where prompts are never needed or sought
A place for all the greats to always cross paths
Tolkien, Hemmingway, Clancy, Wolfe, and Plath
Perhaps they would have tea with Stoker and Poe
A session of the most helpful writing tips they know
Occasionally letting in meek hopefuls like myself
So I could tell them how their books, in life, sat upon my shelf
I would tell them what they meant to me and so much more
How honored I was to walk into this special heaven’s door
I hope there is a place where fallen authors go
Where words never fail then and they never hear no

1 comment:

Lost and alone said...

What an extreme honor to all the writers, past, present & future. May they find that little piece of heaven that awaits them. Such a wonderful piece