Thursday, December 25, 2014

Twas the night before Christmas spoof...( the interview)

Twas the night before Christmas,when all through Facebook,
All my friends were posting glad tidings, it was quite a good look
The memes were all posted on the timelines with care,
In hopes that many likes soon would be there,

The groups were nestled all snug in their spots,
While visions of new members made them laugh a lot,
And Mama on her game, and I on my page,
had just started to surf and see what was all the rage.

When over on YouTube there arose such a clatter,
I opened a new window to see what was the matter,
Away to the tab I clicked like a flash,
paused and I buffered and tagged with a hash
the news on the screen of my new purchased tablet
gave the idea that this was much more than a habit,

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
A Movie I thought I wouldn't see this year,

With two comedians so lively and quick,
Rogen and Franco, pretty cool, and slick,
More actors on screen, one by one they came,
one by one as they appeared I shouted their names

On Franco, On Rogen, On Caplan, On Park,
On Bang, On Simons, Alexander ...what a lark!

As stars that before the red carpet walk ,
When going to a premiere to reporters they talk,
Up on my fifty inch screen, this film I viewed,
With my family and friends, and the family dog too,
And finally, in a zip, I saw on my tv,
The banging ending I thought I would never see.
As I held my breath and was turning up the sound,
A glorious last few minutes drew applause all around

Our eyes, how they twinkled, our merry,
Our wine was like roses, but really was vodka with cherries!

Our mouths were all drawn up like a bow,
And we all raised a glass to what we now know
The message of freedom we hold tight in our minds,
Should not be stifled, lest we fall behind

We paused for a moment then tossed back our drinks
We smiled knowing that laughter was our link
We were cozy and full, satisfied with our choice,
and I laughed each time I remembered each comics voice
with a vodka drink, and a shaking of hands,
Led me to know by watching we took a small stand.

I spoke not a word but went straight to replay,
And said one more round, what the heck it's Christmas day,

So refilling each glass, and settling down,
we sat on the couch and turned up the surround,

I sat in my spot, and chilled with my crew,
As we watched for the second time...The Interview.
But I heard everyone exclaim, as the opening credits rolled,
This movie is funny...let's load a bowl!

Wendy Matchen 12-24-14

Hope you enjoyed my fun take on watching the interview.

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