Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You don't know me

Im not as young as I used to be
Though I really do feel the same

Not much has changed about me
Accept the way I show my laughter
and the way I carry my pain

Im still that young firl who loved to sing and dance
But I am also that woman who has wisdom
and knows when to take a chance

I am not just what you see in front of you
much like the cover of a book
you have to et to know me
so take a second look

I am as deep as an ocean
and as unexplored as outer space
The possibilites I have
don't always show on my face

I am always changing
But yet I stay the same
Happy, Sad, fun, serious,
 and even sometimes a little bit lame

So don't be quick to think you know me
Or put me in a box
I am the woman who keeps them all together
and also the girl that loves to rock


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