Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Youth come and listen; watch the old while they play

Not many sunsets from now you shall have your day

So many voices are conflicting, so much for you to learn

Don’t waste time with childish things they’ll cause your heart to yearn

Fix all that is broken the clock is ticking fast

Teach those that will listen before youth is your past

Some trials will be difficult with lots of defeat

Never give up and inside a victor’s heart will beat


There are no instructions for what you must do

Ahead lays an empty slate completely up to you.

Darkness will be prominent and hard to burn away

Persistence is the golden key to bring forth a new day

So live well be loyal , faithful and strong

You times has come and it won’t last long

1 comment:

Frank DeBoever said...

When our icons pass (Don Cornelius, today)more of our youth fades in the rear view mirror. Nice, Wendy!